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Update on Mark

Mark has been re-admitted to Williamson Medical Center for pain control and some physical therapy. (sound like one might cause the other at this point..) but hopefully will just be an overnighter. More as we know it.

ya'll be safe out there!

Re: Update on Mark

I stopped by and visited both Mike (Rm 529) and Mark (Rm 403) at WMC- Both maybe there until Thursday- they are monitoring different conditons on both of them- so depending on that they could get out sooner- maybe.
Both were in good spirits- or on good pain medication, it really hurts Mike to laugh.
Keep both in your thoughts and prayers!


Re: Update on Mark

I regretted learning of the related crashes last Saturday. From my experience with similar injuries it is likly you will be back riding soon with little ill effects. My geometery is not exactly square now, but cyclist in general are not known to be a balanced lot. Mark lets do the Natchez Trace next year.