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Update on Mike Cloar

I visited Mike this morning. He is in room #529 at the Williamson Medical Center at Carothers Blvd & Hwy 96 in Franklin. Expects to be discharged tomorrow. We sat and watched the Tour together. If anyone gets the chance to visit, I'm sure he would love the company. Visiting hours are thru 9pm.

He was in good spirits, worried about his bike and wants to get on his trainer next week...don't know if that will happen or not!

Has six broken ribs and a collapsed lung, he looked good, still in some pain though! Nurse said since he is in such good shape his recovery should be rapid.


Re: Update on Mike Cloar

Thanks for the update Keith. So glad to hear Mike is recovering.

Re: Update on Mike Cloar

Have spoken by phone with Mike a few times in the last couple days and got his bike, helmet, glasses and glove to his home last evening.
Just talked with him a few minutes ago and he said they did a CT scam on him and all looked OK. He also said they had to take him off the pain medication pump a bit before that and the pain got very bad, wanted to throw-up. Still getting fluid out of the tube they have in him.
Any visits would be appreciated! Might call to see as he was not sure when they might release him. He will be there tonight for sure and sounded like maybe till Tuesday.