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Attn: Members. Need help on Tuesday club ride's. and July 30.

Our ride leader for Tuesday rides Mark B. has been hurt. We need members to help lead the ride's with Sarah on Tuesday's. Also need somebody to step up on July 30 ride that Mark was suppose to lead. I'm working that Sat. and won't be able to do it. Please remember in our prayers some of our members who were hurt. Hope for a speedy recovery. Email or just post your reply. Thank you.

Re: Attn: Members. Need help on Tuesday club ride's. and July 30.


I can lead the Saturday July 30th ride. Same location and same start time.
Will not be able to help on the Tuesday night rides due to my current work schedule


Re: Attn: Members. Need help on Tuesday club ride's. and July 30.

Me and Scott discussed it , one of us will lead the tuesday rides.

Re: Attn: Members. Need help on Tuesday club ride's. and July 30.

I can help if you need it also.

Re: Attn: Members. Need help on Tuesday club ride's. and July 30.

if Bubba or Scott can do this Tuesday's ride, I can help until the second week of August.

Keith- I had told Izzy I'd do the 30th, but I'll be happy to let you lead it. If you need help, let me know.

Thanks ya'll for pitching in. That's what makes this club great!

Re: Attn: Members. Need help on Tuesday club ride's. and July 30.

Thank you all for helping out. Keith will be leading July 30 time and place will be the same. Tuesday rides will be coordinated with Sarah. Again our prayers to our injured members. Please ride safe and enjoy this sport that we love.

Re: Attn: Members. Need help on Tuesday club ride's. and July 30.

Happy to help with Tuesday rides- just let me know if I can help.