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Saturday July 9th (Long Route)

This is the long route for Saturday's ride starting at 7am from Rockvale Elementary.

It follows the TCM route until reaching Eagleville, after that it gets a bit hilly. The toughest hill will likely be on Arno Allison Rd just before Pulltight...and going up the north side of Pulltight is actually easier than the traditional way.

If you want to cut the route a few miles short, you can skip the store stop detour in Bethesda and just turn onto Cross Keys after coming down Pulltight. There is still the store in Eagleville. That would make it right at 50miles.

Re: Saturday July 9thShort Route

Here's a 32 mile route for Saturday - Not sure who will lead, if anyone. Market at mile 15 at Hwy 31/41 split.

Steve will have cue sheets and sign in sheet.


Re: Saturday July 9thShort Route

Jen wants to do the 32 mile route, so we will be riding it even if we are by ourselves. I am far from being a ride leader, but anyone is welcome to tag along. But, we may be slow.