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Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

Nice flat 22 mile route with a long descent on Whitus Road. Since you all liked last week's route, I thought we would do it in reverse this week. At the bottom of Whitus, we can have a little climbing lesson.

See you all at Rockvale. Rain will cancel the ride.


Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

Looking forward to seeing the gang tonight at Rockvale Community Center at 5:30!!! Go Rockvale! Go Whittus!

Susan B

Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

The old man wimped out this week. Will try for next week.

Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

I sure wish I could join you guys. Have fun.

Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

Are we still riding

Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

Kellee - sorry I bailed out. Wasn't in the mood to ride in the rain. Stopped off at the Greenway on my home and had a nice ride. Saw Christine as I was leaving. Hope you all had an awesome ride.

Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

Luck must have been on our side. We got in 12.5 dry miles and then decided to cut the route short. Thanks Susan and Denise for sticking it out. It was fun.