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Wednesday CZ Ride - 5:30PM - Rockvale Community Center

The ride will leave at 5:30PM. Finally, rain is NOT in the forecast for Wednesday.

We are finally going to do the Whitus ride. Once again the route link is below.

Bill G.

Re: Wednesday CZ Ride - 5:30PM - Rockvale Community Center

I plan on being there.

Re: Wednesday CZ Ride - 5:30PM - Rockvale Community Center

I won't be able to make it. Keeping my granddaughter because my daughter's out of town and her husband has class. Maybe next week . . .

Re: Wednesday CZ Ride - 5:30PM - Rockvale Community Center

Looking forward to it!


Re: Wednesday CZ Ride - 5:30PM - Rockvale Community Center

No rain on the radar within a 6 hour drive in all directions. LET'S RIDE