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Saturday road ride in Tullahoma

Hey everybody!
I wanted to invite folks on a road ride this saturday, April 23. We will be departing Frazier Mac (small park at tullahoma high school) with two loops... first one is a fourty miler, second one is a thirty miler... that way you can ride either 40 or 70...
c'mon out and have fun!

Re: Saturday road ride in Tullahoma

If you don't have any takers we have a scheduded ride in Kitrell you guys are more welcome to join us.

Re: Saturday road ride in Tullahoma

We have been trying to get a crew together and ride up there! I was wondering how long the routes were, and I'm not sure what I/C/? means? I would love to ride up there very soon!

Re: Saturday road ride in Tullahoma

Thanks for the invitation. However, please refrain from posting rides that conflict with regular scheduled club rides. This has the potential to take riders from the regular club rides. Also, the ride leaders spend time and energy in putting their routes together.

Re: Saturday road ride in Tullahoma

I understand where you are coming from and I'm sorry.
I hope not to offend anyone, I was only putting a ride out there. Thanks for the correction.

Re: Saturday road ride in Tullahoma

Hey George - we'd love to have you join us on our regular club rides.

The ride ratings are defined at the bottom of the monthly ride calendar included in your Newsletter.

If you're not a member - then you wouldn't get that newsletter - so I'll try to decipher it for you here:

The first letter defines the Pace: S = 17+ mph average for the ride/ I = 13-16 mph ave for the ride/ CZ = less than 13 mph ave for the ride.

The second letter defines the Terrain. F = Flat; H = some hills, and X = very hilly.

Third letter defines the Ride leaders committment to all riders. N = No Drop - meaning the leader will make sure all finish the ride safely. D = ride leader will not adjust the pace to stay with dropped riders.

I hope this helps.

So an I/H/N ride is intermediate pace, some hills, and no drop - a fairly typical club ride.

Hope to see you soon!


Re: Saturday road ride in Tullahoma

Sarah, Thank you for helping me! I will show for a ride very soon based upon the ratings...
Thanks again!