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Bike crash on tue night ride

FYI we had a bike crash last night on the Tuesday night ride from Sharpsville. About .5 miles from the end of the ride on a Bridge on Halls Hill Pike two bike tires touched and Sean Jackson went down Hard and hit the bridge it was said that he almost went over into the creek below. His bike and helmet were both messed up bad (totaled). An ambulance came and tool him away without the lights going which was a good sign. He was checked out and sent home. This is such a strong reminder of how quickly things can and do go bad. Lets ride Safe out there.

Re: Bike crash on tue night ride

So sorry to hear about the crash- thoughts and prayers for all.

Re: Bike crash on tue night ride

My friend Shawn Jackson was involved in a bike crash last night but thank God he is ok. He walked out of the ER last night around 9:15 PM. He is sore neck is in a soft brace for protection but CT and x-rays were negative. God was there as he kept Shawn from going over the bridge there on Halls Hill Pike. Thanks for all the riders who stopped and aided and for the ambulance crew that responded. Keep Shawn in your prayers for quick healing and that he can find a new bike as his was totalled.

Re: Bike crash on tue night ride

Sorry for the mix up on who it was that was involved in the crash. Glad everything turned out as well as could be expected.

Re: Bike crash on tue night ride

I'm sorry to hear about the accident and hope Shawn recovers quickly.

Be aware that if a club member has an accident during a club ride, we have insurance that covers up to $10,000 of medical expenses if the person has no primary medical insurance or if the person has insurance, coverage applies to copays or charges not paid by the primary.

I'm not trying to use the accident to sell memberships but it's something we don't normally think of until someone has an accident.

How do we determine eligibility?

Does the person need to be signed in or will a verbal confirmation suffice? Perhaps look at the actual contract to confirm.

Re: How do we determine eligibility?

per the contract, they have to be signed in for that ride and be a club member.

Re: How do we determine eligibility?

I have the sign in sheet and will keep the original in case it is needed in the future.