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Re: Sat ride

Let's not forget:
-the multiple lost cyclists, later found
-the cars stuck in ditches on the roads we were trying to ride on
-the 2 small heard of deer leaping across the road in front of us
-the 2 separate cattle stampedes that we inadvertently caused
-the wet cow dung that ended up on some of us
-the on-road 12mph crapping-as-they-go goats escort in front of us
-the multiple dog packs that gave chase -- not to mention the uncountable solo chases
-climbing the icy hill
-virtually everyone taking Janet up on her offer of Motrin at lunch
-the "ladies" bathroom at BoJacks
-the fresh chitlin juice splattering onto Paul's bike and causing all of the ladies that work at BoJacks to run away gagging

I'm sure there was more. Good times.