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Re: Crazy George's Ride to the Sky Cookeville TN 9/19

Yes they have different routes just like Hot 100, shorter ride (30?), metric & 100

The 100 has all the bigger climbs

Hope to see you there

Re: Crazy George's Ride to the Sky Cookeville TN 9/19

metric looks good to me...if i'm in town i'll come out.

Re: Crazy George's Ride to the Sky Cookeville TN 9/19

I might consider it if anyone else is doing the century. I hear (and read) that there's lots of hills, but from their website, its only 5,000' of climbing. (For comparison, the Horsey Hundred is almost 8,000 feet over the same distance.) 50'/mile of climbing is pretty mild, so someone should tell me what I'm missing. Anyone know how steep the grades are?

Re: Crazy George's Ride to the Sky Cookeville TN 9/19

We'll just be getting back from BRAT or we'd be there. There are some nasty climbs over there - but it promises to be a beautiful route! Ya'll enjoy and wear your MBC jersey!

Re: Crazy George's Ride to the Sky Cookeville TN 9/19

I was riding with a Big Turtle (Cookeville bike club) in the Hot 100 & we were talking about that. I guessed it around 7,000' of climb, he said Phil (the groups bike junky) had it on his Garmin at 10,000' climb, either way there is plenty of climbs and some tougher/longer ones than we hit in our area. You will not be disappointed in that.

Go to, cookeville TN longest ride & longest ride "Crazy Georges Ride 2008 107 miles"

First 20-30 miles looks flatt then:
1.1 mile climb going into Gainsboro on 53 (600')
1 mile climb going out of Gainsboro (600')
1 Mile climb on 135 (600')
1 mile climb Green Mountain Road (800')VERY TOUGH
1 mile climb into Monterey
1 mile climb back to Brotherton

That is 3600' of pure climb + all the rollers and 1/4 - 1/2 mile climbers in between

If you want to car pool let me know, I will be leaving Blackman HS that AM

You can ride with the fast turtles, I will ride with the slow turtles.


Re: Crazy George's Ride to the Sky Cookeville TN 9/19

Gadzukes. 10,000 feet is a lot different than 5,000 feet. So now we're talking 100'/mile, which is the equivalent of riding the Paw Paw, Independent, McCanless, & Del Thomas hills loop 14 times. I'll have to break out my triple for sure. I'll get back to you after Clarkesville to see if I'm up to it.

Re: Crazy George's Ride to the Sky Cookeville TN 9/19

Thanks for posting about this ride. I plan on making it out. My college roommate still lives just a mile or two from there and Ive been looking for a good excuse to head down there and visit with him and his new baby girl.