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Tuesday - July 7 CZ Ride 6:15 PM - Rockvale Elementary

I will lead an approximately 12 mile CZ ride from Rockvale Elementary. This is a little tougher CZ route that include Whitus but I've kept the route short with that in mind. My number is 604-7558 if you have questions.

The route includes:

Salem Pike (Hwy 99)
Thompson Rd
North Rd
Armstrong Valley Rd
Whitus Rd
Versailles Rd
Rockvale Rd
Salem Pike (Hwy 99 back to the school)


Re: Tuesday - July 7 CZ Ride 6:15 PM - Rockvale Elementary

Bill - this is the night of the Open Forum at Rockvale Elementary. Begins at 6:00.

The Rutherford County Planning Department and its consultant team will let the public share input about long-term development.

Go here for details

I hope there are problems with parking at this event, so if you're not attending the open forum, you may want to change your starting place. :-)

Re: Tuesday - July 7 CZ Ride 6:15 PM - Rockvale Elementary


Thanks, I knew that and forgot it at the same time. I was so focused on making sure it wasn't going to interfere with work that I forgot.

Re: Tuesday - July 7 CZ Ride 6:15 PM - Rockvale Elementary

You could start at Rockvale Middle School, which is just across Hwy 99. (just a thought)