I would not consider age to be a factor in determining whether or not to begin riding. Most of the people I ride with range in age from 40 to 60 and I know of many others over 60. Besides, 50 is the new 40 or at least I told myself that 40 was the new 30.
You do not have to spend thousands of dollars to begin riding. You can find good used and new bikes without spending your children's inheritance. Size matters when choosing a bike and you should have someone at the bike shop check your fit and set up the bike properly. You can always check out what they have at the shop or post a request on this board to borrow a bike or to see if someone has one to sell. See you on the road.
I recently rode alongside an elderly gentleman. We were both moving at a decent clip. He was riding into the wind on a fixed-gear bike. He said that he was 80 years old. ... born in 1929! The quotes I remember were: 1) "I have lost some leg strength, so I try to keep my weight between 134 and 136." and 2) "I'll never get off my bike." How's that for some inspiration! Maybe it will help answer your question.