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Sat Beech Grove Ride - Stoker Wanted

My regular stoker is unavailable this Saturday, so give me a call if you want to stoke (females only need apply). 890-2502

Note to Bob: Bethcha you haven't found any roads my twofer hasn't already explored.

Note to Bad Men: Picked up a like new French machine gun (only thrown down and surrendered once) on EBay this week. My stoker will man same and be looking for you. I, too, ride with Forrest.

Re: Sat Beech Grove Ride - Stoker Wanted

So Jen . . . you gonna ride "machine-gun"?? Put's "gunner" in a new field - bikes instead of planes or Jeeps!!

Re: Re: Sat Beech Grove Ride - Stoker Wanted

We have the mystery captain for the day!!That will be captain, stoker and tailgunner (that's me)!