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Wed, Jan 3rd ride @ 1 pm

Ride on Wed. will leave from Church at corner of Osborne and Emery at 1 pm. 25-30 miles, 15 mph avg.


Re: Wed, Jan 3rd ride @ 1 pm

Hi Cary,
I was hoping you would ride today! I'll be there

Re: Wed, Jan 3rd ride @ 1 pm

Nancy McCormick is coming too!
See you at 1

Re: Wed, Jan 3rd ride @ 1 pm

Great ride! Thanks to all those that came out and rode. Hope to see you all at chili ride on Sat. There's a rumor about a special BBQ being made for us by the CHC to enjoy after the ride Sat.!

Re: Re: Wed, Jan 3rd ride @ 1 pm

Thank you, Cary, for leading us (all these years).
Wish I could ride every Wed., but back to work next week.
See ya Sat.!