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January 1, 2:00 pm, Kitrell School ride

Start out the New Year right! 2:00 pm monday ride ride from Kitrell School. 20 miles or thereabouts (I promise no surprise 30+ this time. Bad weather=shorter ride, but I'll ride no matter what!

Re: January 1, 2:00 pm, Kitrell School ride

Anyone know of a slightly longer ride for New Years Day.

aka Recumbent guy from Atlanta

Re: January 1, 2:00 pm, Kitrell School ride

I plan to ride with you. I may ride from the house at 1:15.

Re: Re: January 1, 2:00 pm, Kitrell School ride

I plan on being there also, I will be riding from a house close to Sam's Wholesale.


Re: January 1, 2:00 pm, Kitrell School ride

Missed you guys on New Years day by about 5 minutes because I had two flats before I even crossed I-24. Very nice ride but is started to get cold on my way back, oh well we will see you next time.
