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Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

I would appreciate any information you may have on some of these names....Ribe(sp?), Bowman(sp?), Mary, Joseph, John(Crews), Dina(sp?). My Grandfather and Grandmother....Basil Crews, and Laura(Lilly) Crews. I'm not sure of dates, births or deaths. My grandmother, Laura,just turned 93. Unfortunately, she can only give me names not dates. I'm not even sure I'm spelling them correctly. I feel my daughter(she is 3 months old), in the future would appreciate as much information about her ancestors as possible. Her father is Dakota Sioux Indian, and he can trace his family back before Sitting Bull, a relative of his. I feel that she, as well as do I, should know about my family as well. Thank you for any info you can offer me....Sher

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

Robert, Online research is not documentation of
anything. Quite a bit of what is online is wishful
thinking and opinion. To the best of my knowledge
there is no documentation to take the Lilly line back
before Robert Lilly and Mary Frances Moody. I have a
database of 30-40,000 Lilly descendants but after
eight years of intermittent efforts I have gotten no
closer to finding parents for Robert Lilly.
Personally I think he was orphaned and there are court
records for the right time for a Robert Lilly, but
there is nothing to link them to our Robert.
Good Luck with your research,
Cousin Bob in Rochester, NY

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? Yes, I have 5 links back to Robert and Mary Frances

Re: Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

I am not 100% possitive my research is correct. But everthing I found has documentation to go with it hre is a website I made if you find any errors please let me know

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? yes

Re: Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

Hello! Two of the names ou mentioned, Ribe and Bowman, are my great-uncles. They were the brothers of Job Lilly, my paternal grandfather. I lost most of my genealogical research when my computer crashed, but would be happy to share what little I've been able to recover. How are you related to Ribe and Bowman?

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? Yes

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

I am very inerested in what you have found out about my ancesters please e-mail me

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? yes

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

Could you please send me this information. I will share what I have.

thank you,

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant


Do you have any information for George T. Lilly born 1875 in Harford County, Maryland. Married to Bertie Whitelock. Son of George T. Lilly. Would appreciate any info you could provide.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

I think I have traced the Lilly family all the way back to John Lilly with documentation after several hours on the net. if anyone is interested in the links email me at
But here it is
John Lilly married Mary? Malson
John Lilly married Dorothy wade
John Lilly married Judith? Billups
Robert Lilly 1696 married Frances
Robert Lilly married Fanny
Edmund Lilly married Ann? Flippen?
Robert Lilly married Mary Frances Moody
Robert Lilly1776 married Obededience conley
This is direct to my line all these people had kids and most of them I can show from my links I found but I didn't want to make this message longer than it all ready is. Plus I can go father down the line if someone is interested too. I didnt show dates either most of my links show dates too. I know there is a few missing links after Robert Lilly born in 1696 and I think I have found them.

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? no


Hi my name is anita lilly married to robert william lilly. I can only go back to David Lilly b 3 6 1778 d1 28 1857 married sarah wilson david parents william and fannie (ambrose)lilly children fannie polly phoebe cynthia green elijah james peggy david sarah my family lives in windfall indiana in tipton county what i figure out david was born in england came to W. VA any more infor or if we are related email me at

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

Hello there...I happen to have a family history book that goes way back and it was compiled but a family member Charles Silas Hatcher. It has a whole chapter on the Lilly line. Let me know if your interested.

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? yes

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

in my 3 years of hard searching I dont believe much of what i find online but however i have came across a few things that are very helpful.

The West Virginia encyclopedia

Ken Sullivan, West Virginia Humanities Council - 2006 - 927 pages - Snippet view
John's great-grandson Robert Lilly, who lived to age 114 and is buried at Flat Top, founded the family in West Virginia. Robert Lilly and the Reverend Josiah Meadows crossed the Alleghenies together and settled in present Summers County ...

hmmmmmmmmmmm so Robert lilly great grandfather was john?? you would sure think they would not put it in
The West Virginia encyclopedia unless they knew it was true.

I also found the book
History of Summers County from the earliest settlement to the present time
By James Henry Miller, Maude Vest Clark
How cool this book is it has so many of the lilly lines in it and the stories are amazing!!!!!!!
Here is a link to were i read it,+pub.+1906+by+James+H.+Miller+lilly&source=bl&ots=vbH9yXo9b7&sig=XJx1xDgQGYZjYShqvxUNWH5AZBI&hl=en&ei=08FpTfu3NMqWtweGj7HmAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CD0Q6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=lilly&f=false

took me 3 years to find something this cool i am excited.. I hope the link to the last book proves as helpful in putting together family trees as it has helped me

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? Yes


I realize I'm answering this from a 2006 message. However, if anyone should see this, I am trying to find my birth daughter. I'm pretty sure her birth certificate was forged and was never filed in the courthouse in Beckley. I was very young when I gave birth to her. She was taken away and lived with her grandparents in Beckley. At age 2, she was adopted by I'm told, a couple from England. They name was Lilly. They might have been missionaries. If there is somewhere I can go and put out her picture with the adoptive parents, I would love to share it with anyone. My story is quite unusual. I may never find her, she might not even know she was adopted.Please contact me.

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant


Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? no

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant


Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? no

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

Hi Theodore,
Some of the WV Lillys did move to Pennsylvania. If you would post a copy of your Lilly ancestry I am willing to search my database to see if it is in there. Please indicate name, dates, locations and spouses names. I will also be sending this message to yout email address. Bob Zingo

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? yes

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

When you do online research, you are getting the raw, unfiltered and probably 85 pct. inaccurate information. When you go to primary sources, you are cleaning things up quite a bit -- but you have to remember only an estimated 5% of Virginia historical records have been digitized. Most Lilly family on line histories fall into the Flippen, Billups and Forney-Clark groups, each connecting Robert back to immigrant John Lilly in some way. There are some exotic others, including French Huguenot links, and other unproven lines that jump clearly smack into the middle of the 15th century in England.
There are 50 boxes of documents in WV state archives relating to the family from the work of James Richardson, but the problem is, while we know what Mr. Richardson wrote, we don't know what he didn't. And even he is not without error, killing off my great-great grandfather in a Union prison camp when it was his father who died.
My own work is focused on colonial Virginia at large, and the in-law lines, Some such as the Meador/Meadows family have quite a bit to share. There is of course rich history in all of the English colonial family lines.
My own puzzles at the moment, why a successful country squire in Bedford, VA would relocate to the "flaming frontier" on the Bluestone. My own development is along the lines there is an extra Robert in there somewhere, not just 2 but 3.
But that is entirely unproved . It would just be a convenient "if" and explain a lot. Unfortunately, the English custom of naming sons for fathers, and dropping the junior later on has its consequences as does the custom of naming daughters for mothers,and grandmothers.
Another puzzle: linked as closely as he is to Josiah Meadows, Robert Lilly doesn't always show in the same places Josiah Meadows does, though they live we believe on adjoining farms, are from allied families and come purchase a track of land together on the Bluestone. We don't have a Revolutionary War history for him, although he could have just as well been there as not, given that enlistments were for brief periods and records, incomplete. The only family record I have to work from, remembering as a child my great-grandfather Acil [that is how he spelled it: shows up everywhere as Acel] telling me his father told him, the idea was they would develop a farm, a homestead and then sell it and parley the earnings into more land. Maybe it was all that simple, and the rich bottomland on the Bluestone was the final payoff.

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

Hi Russ,

Jim Richardson and I corrsponded occasionally and talked a few times. His collected information surely contains a lot on the Lillys and related lines. He was very sincere in saying that he did not know the names of the parents of Robert Lilly and he mentioned that at one time he, or possibly someone else, offered a reward for verifiable information leading to Robert's parents.

He was a wonderful resource and very passionate about his research.

If you would like to discuss a Lilly(s) line feel free to contact me. I can trace my roots back to Robert and Mary Lilly 6 different ways and I have been tracing Lilly descendant lines for about 10 years. At present I have about 600 Lilly obituaries on file that still need to be transcribed so I will probably be working on this line for a bit yet. Cousin Bob

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? Yes

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

I have been researching my line for almost four years and I am at a dead stop with my gggggrandfather David R. Lilly. What I know is that he married Ruth Ann Lewis in 1820 in Shelbyville, Kentucky and died in Missouri in mid 1840s. I also know he spent time in Indiana as some of his children have birth records in Indiana. And two of his children were born in Missouri in the early 1840s. Prior to, I have nothing. Do you have him in your data? Thanks.

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? ??

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

The book "History of Summers County from the earliest settlement to the present time (1908)" is available on for free download if anyone is interested. Here is the link...

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? Yes

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

From what I can gather, Pleasant Lilly was "involved" with Millie and Nancy Solesberry/Solesbury/Shrewsberry. Nancy is my direct ancestor, through her daughter Frances Shrewsberry and Frances' daughter Sarah Jane Shrewsberry who married James Richmond. Sarah and James had a daughter Almeda who married William Wesley Cadle and they were the parents of my father Cecil Clark Cadle. I found Nancy's grave in the Odd area a few years ago at the Lilly Cemetery and her stone said Nancy Solesbury, even though she supposedly at some point married Pleasant Lilly. I live in WV in Summers County, but have not had enough time to do the research I wish I could do. I would love to know if my line goes to Robert Lilly................. Thank you for your help.

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? No

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

In your research did you come across a Henry Wilson Lilly born 1789 in Virginia or Kentucky. Married 1811 to Mary Elizabeth Laurence, Died 1844 in Randolph County Missouri.

My husband in Robert Benton Lilly a descendent of Henry Wilson Lilly. Thanks

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? unsure but husbands name is Robert Benton Lilly

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly\\\\\\\'s Back to John Lill

do you have any other birthdate for Robert Lilly who is the father of Edmund, Thomas, William S & Juda that are listed on the big family tree? Seems the date has been questioned for many years.
I just realized you posted this in 2004, 10 years is a long time to have info...thank you for your patience.

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? yes

Re: I have Documented proof to show all the Lilly's Back to John Lilly the immagrant

George T. Lilly was my grandfather born in 1875, son of William T. Lilly and his wife was Bertie Estelle Whitelock. I have no information except he disappeared and left my grandmother with 2 sons. My father was James Carlton Lilly. My grandmother never knew what happened to him and she eventually remarried. Any information on George T. Lilly would be appreciated. Thanks, Patricia Lilly Thomas