ADHD & Aspergers Forum

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Re: schools and the right punishment for bad behaviour?

you should never take any thing away from a child with asperegers ,threatening to do so only encourages the bad behaviour because they are put under pressure not to do something naughty.

i know its hard to just sit down with the child and explain why what they are doing isnt right but i would just simplly ignore this behaviour and it will go away ,your child is getting attention for what she is doing,it was the same with my son and his swearing ,i used to cringe but now when he does it he looks at me to see if he is going to get a reaction and when he doesnt he stops.
Its so wrong how they are treating your daughter at school ,do they know how to handle AS kids.
iam aspergers myself so i know exactly how a childs mind works ,i used to throw my dinner at my mum and she used to chase me round the streets ,till one day she just walked away face full of mash potatoe and thiis hurt me so much and made me realise what i was doing hurt my mothers feelings.
ps my child is home educated now ,we both could not handle how mainstream school treat asperger kids ,and all they are doing is make our children conform to fit in with society ,there are right and wrong ways of doing this and pressure isnt one of them.