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Boots-n-Saddles News Forum
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GREAT NEWS! August 18, 2001

Linda Fryer, AKA, “the lady in the hat”, is announcing the grand opening of her new website, Come see me real soon! You’ll find fair and unbiased news, reviews, interviews, with more added, on a regular basis. Stay awhile, sign my guestbook, let me know what you think. Be patient, I’ll learn more about ‘download’ time, as I go along. For now, I hope you’ll plan to spend a few minutes of your time, to take a peek., the place to go to see what the indies are doin’ and where you’ll find the fairest and most accurate reporting found anywhere on the net! “an independent view”, always pullin’ for REAL country music!

We’ve been workin’ on this for about a month now, and I think I’m finally ready to let everyone see the brand new CountryFryedNews! (smile). I’ve been workin’ hard to learn the ins-and-outs of web building. It’s been a real challenge! And takes up MUCH more time than I thought it would! I only hope it doesn’t take too much time away from what I love doing most, and that’s writing about country music! Don’t worry, I won’t let that happen. I’ve been wanting and NEEDING to have my own website for quite awhile, now…but I’ve been reluctant to take on the responsibility of keeping it up and running. Also, of course, is the very small detail -- I AM NOT A TECHIE. So, it took a lot of mistakes and remakes, but I think some of it has finally penetrated the brain of this yankee gal. Let’s see if I can keep it up, now. I hope you go there often, and check things out. Before I tell you about the site, though, I have a couple of people to thank. First of all, I want to thank and pay homage to a wonderful friend who’s been supporting and helping me put my “news” out there for over a year. Marli, of MKOC, gave me some pages on HER site, she kept them running, she promo’d each article in her newsletter, and most of all, she encouraged me to take all the time I needed to do my own site. “I love having you on MKOC”, she told me. And I know she meant it. Why else would she have put up with me?? (smile) …thanks, Marli! Also, I’d like to say a very special Thank-you to “Kuntry” (my friend, PK), who’s gone waaaaay out of his way to teach this crazy blonde, how to make a website. He went above and beyond the call of duty, by designing my new site, so I’d have a base to go from. His talent in graphic art, as well as his creative genius, shows up on the site! Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep the site lookin’ as good as it does now. Kuntry has done all of this out of the goodness of his heart, and I will NOT forget it. Heck, he probably won’t LET me forget it! (smile) Seriously, though, he’s taught me how to make pages and add them to the existing site, and some of it has taken more time than he expected, I’m sure! But he never complained, never scolded, never said STOP. He’s a great guy, and I’m sure many of you know more about him than I do. Thanks sooooo much, darlin’ for everything you’ve done for me. I TRULY luf ya! I’d like also to recognize a couple of other folks who’ve been behind me all the way, and who’ve given me so much encouragement! First, Colonel Buster Doss. What a sweetie this dear man has been to me. And if it were not for Buster, I would never have met “Kuntry”! THEN WHAT??? Thanks, colonel. You know how much I appreciate you. Your fan base goes far beyond this Yankee’s reach, and I very much appreciate your taking the time to reply to each and every question and comment I’ve made to you. You have my total respect and friendship. Also, Dick Shuey. YOU know, Foxy, that you were one of the first AND very best people I’ve gotten to know since I’ve been covering the world of Independent music. And you’ve always been there for me. You’ve never been shy in telling me exactly what was on your mind, but you’ve always been kind. I shudder to think what I’d have done without ya.

I know there are MANY more people reading this now that I am not mentioning, ‘cause I have gathered more friends than anyone has a right to, during the past couple of years. And I hope you all know how I feel about you. I promise to do my best to keep my website filled with interesting and maybe even, surprising stuff for you to read. Heck, before we’re through, you’ll probably learn more about this “country-fryed Yankee” than you EVER wanted to know! (smile) I have some plans for expanding my review work, and I hope to add some more pages real soon. For now, though, you can take a look at what we have. There are album reviews, interviews, commentary, pictures, and lots of other good stuff. I hope you’ll like my new “look”. Be ready for changes, probably on a daily basis, as I never am satisfied with anything for more than 24 hours. But the one thing you CAN depend on….ALWAYS…is a fair and positive view of the subject at hand. I can fight with the best of ‘em. I’m not afraid of a debate. I like to speak my mind. But…I try never to be unfair, and it’s the one sure thing my readers have always been able to count on. Well, that’s it for now, folks. I really didn’t intend to write a BOOK here! But I’m REALLY excited, and anxious to have your comments. So go ahead. CHECK US OUT! www.CountryFryedNews …always pullin’ for the indies…always pullin’ for REAL country music! L**