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I'm getting to know people I could have been friends with years ago.

I think we've been carrying false images of each other since we met.

I know a lot of folks will go to their graves thinking of me as the guy with the long hair and weird clothes who

wrote that bird song, if they think of me at all. Misty Morgan's husband. That's it. But, we set it up that way to

attract attention to our musical abilities,. We did our best to stand out from the crowd. I've been known to go

on-stage in motorcycle cop boots and britches, big chrome sunglasses, and a leather cape. So I can't complain

if that's all they saw.

We were leaving our Milwaukee hotel, on the way to do an all-star show in front of an audience of almost

50,000, mostly teens. We were the only country act, in with a bunch of pop and rock legends. We stepped off

the elevator, Misty in red sequins from head to to, with a red sequin top hat, and me in my Captain America

suit. In the group waiting to get on the elevator was a very dignified elderly couple. I heard him say: "Somebody

wants to be noticed". We sure hoped we would be.

And we were. It seemed like they had as many cops as kids in the stadium, and some great acts like Chicago

and The Mamas and Papas were being ignored, while the teens jumped around, screamed at each other, and

threw toilet paper. It was like singing into a bucket of live bait.

When Misty and I walked out there was a hush. The first of the day. We were like an auto accident. They just

had to stop and look. And that's the memory we left, even with people in the business. It worked for us, and

against us.

It got us noticed, and helped make us well known. But it also limited the world's opinion of who and what we

really were. I like Tennessee Birdwalk, but we've done things I consider to have more depth, which I'd rather

have in my obituary than Birdwalk.

We're still working on that.

We've crossed paths with about every star and dignitary in the entertainment industry, but we saw mostly each

other's public face. Think of the ideas we could have traded, the conversations, the friendships. But things were

moving fast, and we were all busy surviving in a rough trade. I've spent some time, but not enough, talking to

Tom T. Hall, Dick Clark, Merle Haggard, Don Gibson, George Jones, Conway Twitty, Jackie Gleason, and so

many more interesting people. I wish we'd gotten to know each other better.

But now, mainly through the internet, I'm making up for some of the loss. We're not all campaigning as strongly

as we were then, and we exchange emails and phone calls. Now we have a chance to get past the image, and

open up a little. It's good.

We're even talking about organizing an all-star geezer show.

Jack Blanchard

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