Camp Dimond O and Miwoks

Where all the hills and valleys are fresh from winter snows. Our mountain camp. It may be gone but never forgotten.

Camp Dimond O and Miwoks
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Racheria Falls (and backcountry) hike

Hi -

My name is Daniel and I want to thank you for this web site. Camp Dimond-O was my first real experience with camping, backpacking and the beauty of the mountains. In fact, it was there that I decided I would earn my Eagle. My brother and I both have ours and I will soon earn my Wood Badge (...I'm a Bear). As for my past experiences at Dimond-O, I recal wearing out the seat of a pair of Levi cut-offs sliding down Racheria Falls. Those were good times and have always been cherished memories.

Now, over thrity years later, I am planning a backcountry pack trip with my little brother (he's a good 4 inches taller than me) next summer (2007). He has never been to the Yosemite Valley, but shares the same love of the out of doors. We think we will be on the trail for 6.5 - 7 days.

Any suggestions on trails, etc? And are there any heads up? We would like to do Racheria Falls and possibly camp near it one night. Also, is there a better time of year. We are flexible, but expect to go earlier (June) or later (September). Pros and cons of either?

Does the area require a use permit? If so, how far out do I need to put in for one and are there any other details that would be helpful in planning a trip?

Thanks for your time and help. I look forward to your response.
