Camp Dimond O and Miwoks

Where all the hills and valleys are fresh from winter snows. Our mountain camp. It may be gone but never forgotten.

Camp Dimond O and Miwoks
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dimond o


Sorry to read in your email that Dimond <0> was a bit of a let down, to see it

all disappearing. At least the name and the memories live on.

The Green seems to go up and down with services offered. It was a great place to

call in to on the weekend or after a tiring day for a soda and may sometimes

something a bit stronger.

It's very tempting to return and live it all again, but I just don't think it

will compare to the great times and memories of the old camp. One day though I

must come back.

Ray and Jackie are planning on coming to Australia, possibly early next year. It

will be great to catch up with them again. But in the meantime the Dimond O web

site and email is a great way of renewing friendships and old acquaintances.

Keep up the good work.

All the best,
