Camp Dimond O and Miwoks

Where all the hills and valleys are fresh from winter snows. Our mountain camp. It may be gone but never forgotten.

Camp Dimond O and Miwoks
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It's really good to see you all!

For the past 20 years, I have tried to locate other staffers.

The last time I walked through the camp (1987 or so), I really felt a sense of loss. It was upon my drive home that I discovered it wasn't a sense of loss for the camp, but the loss of the friends I made during my summers working at the camp.

I was saddened by reading of Jerry Abad's passing. I am sure his spirit still walks the trails of the Miwok.

Pleae let me know when the next reunion is, I would love to see everyone.

Take care and it's good to have found you?

Best regards,
Chris Nygren